
Nbox At a Glance

The Nbox is a tool for communication within the site for required actions and/or notifications that a user receives. Workflows use Nbox messages to interact with users to keep the workflow moving.  An email may be sent with a summary of your Nbox activity to the email address registered with your Ntracts account.
revised-Nbox at a glance


 A stamp

Nbox Tabs

  B stamp

Filter Tools

C stamp

Message List
Four types of messages can appear in your Nbox:

  • Action (pen/paper icon)– It is a request for you to perform a task.
  • Notification (message bubble icon) – An automated message that provides an important piece of information related to a workflow and does not require a response from the user.
  • Input (arrow icon) – A request to complete questions as part of the first step in certain workflows
  • eSign (pencil icon) – A message related to an electronic signature

 D stamp

Message Details

Setting Up Your Nbox

1.  After signing into Ntracts, click Nbox on the menu bar.
click on Nbox

 2.  The Add an Nbox Tab window appears.  Your email address has been auto-populated.  Type your name in the Name field as you wish it to appear on the tab.  The Permission Level Requested is defaulted to View and Respond to Nbox Messages.
Setting up your Nbox- type in name

3.  Click Save.

4.  Click Nbox on the menu bar.
click on Nbox

 5.  Click Refresh List.
Nbox Click to refresh list

Nbox Navigation

Click on the message to display the message details in the reading pane.
message details

You can expand the message list or the reading pane by hovering over the purple horizontal line between the message list and message details. Once you see the cursor with the north and south arrows, drag down to expand the message list area.
expanding arrow

Click on the orange horizontal line segment in the center to expand the message details to full screen. Click on it a second time to have the message list reappear.
closing message list or message detail

You can page through your Nbox messages by using the Previous or Next buttons, as well as clicking on the numbered pages.

Responding to an Nbox Action action icon

An Action message appears in the Nbox with a pen/paper icon. It is a request for you to perform a task.nbox action icon

1. Click anywhere on the Action row.  Message details will appear in the reading pane below.

2. Fields marked with an * require information.  Then click Finish (mark complete) so that your information can be routed to the next individual in the workflow.
finish mark complete button

If you do not have all the information you need when you first open the Action message, you can partially complete the form and click Save Changes (finish later) to finish it at a later time.
save changes finish later

Uploading Supporting Documents

You may be prompted to attach additional documents. Follow these steps:

1. Click Browse. Alternatively, you can drag the file into the dotted rectangle area.

2.  After the Choose File to Upload window appears, select the file that you want to upload.
Choose the file to upload

3.  Click Open.

4.  Select the Document Type from the dropdown menu.  Note: If this document needs to be shown on a summary view, click on the slider to change to Yes.

Repeat Steps 1 through 4 if there are multiple documents to upload.  If you need to remove a specific file, click X to the left of the file.

Responding to an Nbox Notification

An Nbox Notification is an automated message which appears in your Nbox with a message bubble icon. Notifications provide important information related to a workflow and do not require a response.
nbox notification icon

1.  Click anywhere on the Notification row.  Message details will appear in the reading pane below.
Click to open the notification

2.  After reading the Notification Details, click Acknowledge Notification.  The system marks the message as Completed.
click to acknowledge notification

Nbox Sorting

Clicking on the column title once will sort the content in descending order.  Clicking on the column title a second time will sort the content in ascending order.
sorting the Nbox

Nbox Filtering

You can filter the items according to:

  • All – Selecting this checkbox displays all messages, regardless of status.
  • New – Selecting this checkbox displays all unopened messages.
  • Opened – Selecting this checkbox displays all opened messages.
  • Past Due – Selecting this checkbox displays all past due messages.  This may include New and Opened messages.
  • Completed – Selecting this checkbox displays all Completed and Completed (P) by proxy messages.

Place a checkmark in the box next to the desired filter(s).
Nbox filters

Filters will remain in the status they were previously, upon login.  In addition, each Nbox that you have proxy access to will have separate filtering.

You can also search the messages in your Nbox by typing a term or numeral value in the Message Search box. This search will look at information you can see on the message list, such as contract record number, subject line content and dates.
Nbox filter messages

Nbox Proxy

You can request that other users grant you access to their Nbox.  Use these steps to request access to another user’s Nbox:

1.  Click Nbox on the menu bar.
click on Nbox

2.  Click the + tab that appears to the right of the existing tab(s) in your Nbox.
click the plus sign to add tab

3.  In the Add an Nbox Tab window, enter the Email Address and Name fields with the information for the person whose Nbox  you are requesting access to.  Name field will be the name displayed on the tab.
Type email and name to add Nbox tab

4.  Select the permission level you want to request:

    • Only View (read-only) Nbox Messages – Allows you to see the messages in the Nbox but not complete an Action or acknowledge a Notification.  You might request this level of access if you are a supervisor monitoring your employees’ queues.
    • View and Respond to Nbox Messages – Allows you to see the messages in the Nbox and take action on the messages.  You might request this level of access if you are monitoring a coworker’s queue.

5.  Click Save.

An email message is sent to the Nbox owner with the option to approve or deny the proxy permission.  If the user has not yet set up an Nbox, the message can be used as a reminder to set it up and grant you permission to it.

Primary and proxy tabs will display in alphabetical order based on the tab name.

When a proxy user completes a message on behalf of the Nbox owner, a status of Completed (P) in the Nbox Status column will appear.  Additionally, hovering over that status will create a pop-up to appear showing the email address of the person who completed the message.  The status of Completed (P) and hover pop-up with email address will also appear on the Actions tab.

Removing an Nbox Proxy

1.  To remove another user’s Nbox tab, click on the tab.
click the Nbox user tab

2.  Click on the x to delete the tab.
click to delete Nbox tab

3.  After the Confirm removing window appears, click Remove.  If you change your mind, click Cancel.
confirm to remove tab

Nbox Refresh

There are two ways to refresh your Nbox.

  • Click on refresh.
    refresh button
  • Click on Nbox on the menu bar.
    click on Nbox